Geneva: The Old Town That Tells A Thousand Stories

Geneva: The Old Town That Tells A Thousand Stories

Text: Desmund Teh Photos: Qing; Courtesy of The Switzerland Tourism Board, Swiss Travel System - 14 August 2019

Geneva -- within the cosmopolitan city that is home to several international establishments such as the UN, Red Cross and WHO, is a well-preserved picturesque old town. It catalogues the town's 2,000 years of history in its many squares, art galleries, antique shops, museums and historical sights, with streets lined by historical buildings adorned with beautiful masonry facades.

The Old Town, in French called Vieille Ville, is dominated by St. Peter's Cathedral, the symbolic location of the Reformation. The tower rewards visitors who climb 157 steps to the top with a unique panorama of the city.

Step onto the cobbled stone streets, take a stroll along the charming alleys and passageways, and discover the city’s historical treasures.

The must-see places are Maison Tavel and the Old Arsenal located at the lake front, Place du Bourg-de-Four and The Treille Promenade. Do expect a small climb as the Old Town is about 25 metres higher than the lake.


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